Insurance Insights.

Questions answered.
These shorter articles focus on the questions Kiwis often ask about insurance. You get a quick hit of information that throws a light on things like the extent of cover, basic benefits, nice-to-have extras, exclusions and premium cost. Our long-term plan is to write about every type of insurance that’s relevant to individuals and businesses. We’ll also target hot topics, like earthquake and flood cover.
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Helpful Guides.
Our insurance guides give you the comprehensive information you need to understand each type of cover. You’ll learn the why, what and how much.
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Questions answered.
These shorter articles focus on the questions Kiwis often ask about insurance. You get a quick hit of information that throws a light on things like the extent of cover, basic benefits, nice-to-have extras, exclusions and premium cost. Our long-term plan is to write about every type of insurance that’s relevant to individuals and businesses. We’ll also target hot topics, like earthquake and flood cover.
Featured Insight

How much is pet insurance in NZ?

Vet bills can be surprisingly hefty, because they’re not subsidised by the government. Before the days of pet insurance, people confronted with unaffordable vet charges had no option but to have their beloved furry friend humanely put down. Today, we have more options and many New Zealanders now see the

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